ACTION, MOVEMENT, COLOR, EMOTION.. check it out! I love to work with metal and have been learning how to use many other sculptural materials. I am inspired by the chaotic work of Ryan Trecartin because of all the colors and cultural hyperactivity. I also enjoy the tension in works like Bernini's David. Most of all I just enjoy making and seeing things that are beautiful in some way.

Saturday, August 1


Today I want to The Toledo Musuem of Art and I saw some great stuff. What I was most impressed by was the beauty of glasswork. They gave this glass blowing Demo which was a pretty stardard Glass blwoing demo. Anyone who has been to a renaisance fair knows what I mean. The thing that was cool about this was that they had an interactive demo. So my dad said he would pay for me to do it and I was psyched. It was pretty cheap. They showed me how to make a glass flower. It was SO MUCH fun and intense too. Although it has similaries to metal work it is in a complete field of it's own. I really want to do this again someday. Someday soon.I get ot pick up my flower on tuesday so I will post more pictures then. It was great to be around some art today it was refreshing. I really love the mix of fire and art. Glass is cool beause it is so soft and liquid when you work with it and then it starts to cool and is so quick to become solid from such a liquid state. I have to take some pictures of my glass casting i made last semester and put them up. I also want to make a steel stand for it. Maybe I will find some way to incorporate steel with my flower too, endless posibilities, WONDERFUL!

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